maandag 26 juli 2010


My last blog-post is already more than two months old. It has nothing to do with lack of inspiration, but I've been bussy with the last weeks of school and after that enjoying my summervacation.
Do you also have the idea that you have more to do during the vacation that during the rest of the year?
Anyway, when reading back through my last posts I suddenly read the promise I made to post of pictures of my egyptian costume. So here they are!

Princess Zelda and me discussing the techniques used to make our costumes. We both used EVA-foam, but in quite different ways. ( © S. Everwennink)

The Farao and me, surrounded by amazone warriors.

My complete outfit. Note the white lining of the fur. It was used as a bag at the same time. It seemed like a good idea at first, until April decided it wanted to be like summer... (© O. de Rooij (
Isn't Bob a cuty pie?

At the moment, this costume is waiting for me to feel like improving it, but I don't expect that to happen any time soon.
Right now I'm working at my first victorian inspired costume *drum roll* a bathing suit!
Yes, you read it correctly! For CastleFest I will dress a friend and myself in (late)victorian bathing suits. But there's still a lot to be done and so little time, so I gotta go back to work.